Shameless selfplug! A cute little puzzle game, where you have to plan ahead for situations in which you are not in control.
Nice implementation of the control switchin mechanic. i am not sure if this is a 1 or 2 player game and I think pits as hazards would have been complicated enough. Overall I had a ton of fun.
Smart escape puzzle, where you can decide on the order of the rooms. A wron order means power is not connected correctly, or you are missing a key you need. I would love to see more levels like this.
A truely hidden gem. This game reminded me a lot of multitask. But is links its two tasks in a really smart way. Really fun to test out, more different levels would be great for replayability.
The game seems like a basic plattformer, until you figure out it's twist. Once you realise it is a puzzle game and you have been playing like an idiot until now, the game becomes a really fun optimization challange.
I never new I wanted to be the hivemind of a zombie apocalipse!
This game presents a smart addition to the "the floor is ice" genre by limiting the amount of moves you have.
Very nice remapping concept and presentation. Unfortunately I am missing the third arm to play this game :(
This game surprised me by making me program in brainf***. That said, I'm not sure the concept is fun for people who didn't already know brainf***.
Little rogue-like, where you get random moves each turn. Could be a little harder to force the player to plan ahead.
High concept of using your microphone as input. Still a little fiddly, but still fun!
I have to include this one, as the main idea is basically the same as ours, but the outcome is very different. Still, this game needs some fine tuning.
Increadably polished game where you need to manage your kingdom. I would have loved some more (non-lore) information. For example when are resources arriving, and which are good to use for which thread. Also the random generation of threats results in situations, that you couldn't plan ahead for or come out without a lot of loss, which feels unfair.