Cool strats enzo
I can show you the world
Simple planetary fun
egyptian survival
roguelike starfex
Cute tower escape
Ps1 style procgen fps
Audio visualizer
Pc frying in class and openbaar vervoer
Possibly patch-able
Patchable-y goodness
Infinite flying
Cat game
Interesting aestethic
Gamer trivia
Fresh artstyle and satanic stuuufff
Rhythm shooting
Minimalist shooting fun
Anomalous art
done, was alright for what it was
Doggo game
Vector flying game
Weird 50 flour labyrinth
Ik heb nog nooit gevlogen
Simple brighty artstyle
Dive into planets 4head
Pazzah doleveri gaem
the most funky fresh of artstyles
hexagonal waterfalls
fun but got bored
Ik heb nog noot touhou gespeeld, dus kan ik best 40 fangames spelen om in te halen :D