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Useful Programs

a collection by Vimana 路 last updated 2023-11-10 03:00:30
Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Construction Engine
Rudimentary music cheat sheet app
2D level editor for indies from an industry veteran
Easy to use app to create beautiful maps
Create and download printable grids for drawing, plotting, and tabletop games
Run in browser
A Nifty 2D Adventure Toolkit for Unity
Free game sound effects tool
Run in browser
A free, easy to use tool for creating music!
A quick and easy to use drag and drop retro game creator for your favourite handheld video game system
Procedural textures authoring tool
A tiny grid-based game framework
The Electric Zine Maker (鈿★笍馃摑鉁傦笍) is a printshop and art tool for making zines.
A simple and effective grid-based mapping tool to help you set the scene for any battle.
Run in browser
Java Ice Team Tracker 64
A simple tool for creating your own sound effects.