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A playable city-generator and map-making game.
Custom castle and village overworld map in pixel art!
16 High quality monster sprites for your RPG!
Snakes, Crocodile, Monitor, Bird, Frogs and Mammal SFX
24 looping futuristic sci-fi tracks for space adventures and cyberpunk cities!
A pop-up pixel font inspired by retro arcade interfaces. Supports various symbols, accents and bitmap
Tileset Graphics & Sprites (all animated)
795 frames of light-props for your side-scroller
17 animated pixelart containers with particles, base size 16x16
A Pixelated 6 by 4 Font
Pixel art font set inspired by the classic Doom. Two font sizes + 4 style variations, multiple symbols and accents
Pixel art characters pack
Pixel art characters pack
Pixel art characters pack
top quality 64x64 sprites for classical rpg games & dungeoncrawlers
A retro flavoured topdown tileset with focus on ease of use.
Limited 16 colour palette tileset
A pixel perfect font with 2 variations. Supports accents and a variety of symbols
A set of 120 hand-drawn classic Fantasy RPG copper cursors
​A simple, lightweight way to make scrolling or non scrolling credits.
24 seamless Chiptune loops to be used in all genres of games
Perfect for retro games, game jams, mobile games, etc
Limited 16 colour palette tileset
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