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Need to Find a Group to Try These With

A slim dungeon crawling game
An RPG about Class and Revolution
A minimalist sword and witchcraft RPG for campaigns and quick sessions
Play the story of the first superhero in an ancient battle between good and evil
A TTRPG about halflings who don't want no adventures, thank you
A pastoral fantasy tabletop RPG about traveling animal-folk and the way they change with the seasons.
A storytelling microgame of adventure, nostalgia and dubiously reliable narrators.
an exploration TTRPG engine by M.A. Guax
A roleplaying game of folk ballads and justice
A role-playing game about how legends evolve over generations
Gods and their avatars telling the tales of the end of days.
One page, one-shot, easily hackable rpg
Young Monsters lost in a Human City
A game of Arthurian knights searching for the Holy Grail.
Peace. Kids playing in mech wreckage. A ghost. One last journey to find a final resting place.
A Poker Based Game of Cowpoke Storytelling
sad trans angels on a road trip in a fascist dystopia
Camp counselors protect their wards from a nightmare monster in this GMless horror RPG.