typical collaboration in game development be like
meet characters, person 1 and person 2 and person 3 and person 4.
so person 1 befriends and adds person 2 in whatsapp, person 2 made a incredible trailer that looks like it could be a video game, person 1 agrees that it looks very cool and joins, person 1 forces person 3 to buy a laptop for him since he is in hospital. person 3 bought it for 2900€ and person 2 bought a pc worth ????.?? euro. but person 1 is so sick from cancer that he dies at 43. person 3 gave person 4 the person 1 smartphone and person 1 accesses person 2 whatsapp and person 4 finds it so cool that he made a game in gdevelop and he drew a lot of inspiration, its far from done and took months to make but it looks good proggress
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