In Lust Epidemic you’re playing as an ordinary young guy who accidentally encounters a mysterious girl who is trying to stop the spread of a new threat - the lust disease affecting only girls, and it will take a special cure to bring them back to sanity.
Your sister seems to be affected by a weird ailment, and the village witch sends you to collect some herbs to prepare a soothing concoction. In the forest you meet Lynfee, who tells you about a mysterious epidemic of lust spreading across the kingdom - that’s where your quest to stop the plague begins!
Lynfee will grant you the power of curing girls from the illness in the only way possible - through having sex with them! On the way to your goal, you will have to help one girl after another until you find the patient zero - that’s the only way to stop the disease.
Choose your path, make the right decisions, fight the plague, collect empowering gems and look for secrets as you explore meticulously drawn locations, cure hot girls and save the kingdom in Lust Epidemic 💜!
The developers describe how their game uses AI Generated Content like this:
Our game logos are meticulously crafted by our designers, and we also leverage neural networks in pre-production to accelerate the rendering of detailed character designs and backgrounds. No live-generated AI content is used in the final product.
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