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Learning the Comic Process - 'No Soliciting' and 'Hunter Family Reunion'

First time trying to blog post on here, but I thought it'd be a good way to sort of talk openly about these very cool comic projects.  Maybe some BTS stuff, who knows.

I'm Aesir, and other than very shortform comic stuff (and some stick figure comics in middle school), 'No Soliciting' was my first attempt at making a proper multi-page comic that succeeded.  It started completely on a lark during what I called 'Maid May' basically because I wanted to try out some features of CSP I'd never toyed with before.  I never planned anything, I just kind of drew it and made it up as I went along, figuring I'd drop it after a page or two.  I had started 2 comics previously that both fell through for their own reasons, so I wasn't exactly confident in this one getting finished.

The prey in 'No Soliciting' is some elven nun girl.  Why?  Well, I was just really hot on nuns at the time for no real reason.  I've always loved elves tho.  I think their ears are cute.  Like I said, nothing here was planned, I'm just a costume-loving weirdo.

I used Aesirko, primary a pseudo-self insert of mine, because I had just always used her for pics in previous Maid Mays.

So, as I've established, No Soliciting was a completely unplanned project that I somehow just fell into.  Every day I would work all day on pages, and at night before I went to bed I was excitedly planning out the next page in my head.  About halfway through, I formed a rough idea of how I wanted the rest of it to go, wanting to include a lot of fun stuff, but make sure it had a proper ending within a reasonable number of pages.  I didn't wanna burn out and leave it unfinished.

Finishing 'No Soliciting' gave me a real rush.  Finally finishing a project like this gave me the confidence and hunger to keep going and make another one.  That said, it was definitely not without it's flaws, and I knew it would have them so I eagerly asked for critique from my Subscribers and from those who purchased it.   One very consistent criticism I got was the pair of random maids and how the daughter of the house was just kind of lumped in there.

I agreed, especially because, yeah.  They were just lumped in there.  I hadn't planned on them, but I wanted to have some cute girls rub a flustered Aesirko's belly, so I just kind of threw them in.  Similarly, I wanted to establish a relationship with the women of the household, so I decided to include some stuff with the daughter.  (By the way, I actually drew the portrait on the wall before cutting most of it out)


There she is!  Although I did wind up including her in the chibi in the back of the book.

I definitely took these criticisms with me when I started planning my next comic - which was not 'Hunter Family Reunion'.  I'd actually planned something wildly differently but one day I couldn't get the image of these two Odogaron armored sisters getting bullied by Angie out of my head.  I started sketching a pic of them, but I would up feeling like it felt more like cover art.

 (It never got past the Roughs stage because, surprise, I started work on 'Hunter Family Reunion' instead!)

The story in my head of two hunter sisters looking for their already devoured mother came to me very quickly.  I like that kind of stuff, you know?  Tragic best friends/sisters/mothers+daughters.  There's something really juicy about the tragedy of it.  I think it's more fun, when there's multiple prey, when all the prey have a deep, close connection with one another, and/or when one's unfortunate fate leads to the other's.  Betrayal scenarios are also fun, of course, especially when said betrayer is soon after swallowed up and now stuck in the same stomach with the girl she just betrayed!  That's a whole other discussion tho.

I planned this one even more!  Maybe a bit too much.  I wanted to keep the character count low and I wanted them all established within the first few pages - which is why originally I had planned on about 2-3 pages before the first page showing their mother's last desperate struggle.  That kind of "I'll get back to it", but the more I went on with the comic, the more the idea didn't gel with me.  I'm not sure why, cause even now, I think it could've been cool.  Maybe I just didn't wanna draw that Gunlance anymore.  I was already worn out on the Odo armor, and desperate to simplify the panel-by-panel character work.  Still, I reduced her to just a flashback, which I sort of regret, but...It is what it is.

This was the first comic I tried to directly involve my Subscribers too.  I ran into a roadblock about halfway through - personally, I had wanted to draw some action shots.  However, I wasn't sure if a sudden fight scene would mess with the pace or even be something ANYONE was interested in!  So I gave a couple poll options on Subscribestar ( winkwonk) and had everyone vote.  As I recall there were 4 options, and including a brief fight that Nadia would subsequently lose won by a massive margin.  I was very pleasantly surprised!

Another was the ending.  My first draft of it involved the sisters kind of giving in to their fate and very sadly holding each other as the digestive fluid rose around them.  Now, I like darker takes in vore, personally, but I kept looking at this like "Wow.  This feels like a HUGE downer."  Now, mind you, I also like when prey fight to the bitter end, so I was happy changing the outcome to be more, let's say, feisty.  I still wasn't sure, tho, so I once more put it to the Subscribers.  As I recall, it was more 50/50, but I wound up swapping anyway just because of personal feelings.  Still, involving my Subscribers in decision-making is something I plan to do a lot more if I can.  I even left the third, and current, comic entirely up to them!  And this time I didn't drop it on a whim!

I haven't really received any criticisms about 'Hunter Family Reunion' yet, but I still want them if people have them.  The response to it was fantastic, a lot of people say it's their absolute favorite vore content they've ever purchased which, holy shit.  That is an amazing compliment and only motivates me even more.

I don't quite know how these blog posts function on, but if there's an interaction system like comments or the like and this is well received, perhaps I'll start doing some more, about the current working projects!  Afterall, I'm working on two comics simultaneously right now, knocking out 4 pages of each a month.  One is the next vore comic featuring my take on the classic Red Riding Hood tale, and the other is a BDSM/Hypnosis focused little romp~  

Otherwise, you can follow the process directly on!


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