The player, the character, and the world are three elements that should constantly interact. How will a character feel when trapped between three living, expanding calcium boulders? What does the player contribute to the world when a memory is needed to escape? How will the character’s actions change every time they pass the ravine that once held them captive?
To create meaningful stakes in a setting, players need to be active participants in their story. A Game Master (GM) can facilitate this by asking questions about actions, memories, and emotions. Typically, this is a one-sided process, but in more collaborative campaigns, players take the initiative to perform these actions, contribute backstory, and even influence the worldbuilding. Here, trust between the GM and players is crucial—they understand the nuances of roleplaying, the boundaries of the world, and the importance of sharing the creative workload without overshadowing the characters' agency.
Landmarks act as gravity-wells, drawing in missions and station. A setting provides locations rich with flavor; some of these may be tied to the plot (like buildings of coral harvested from the sea god beneath), while others exist simply to let the world breathe. Allow room for players to contribute to the setting in ways that don’t interfere with the established plot. They can add details—damages in the rafters, secrets in the basements, or connections their character has to the place. If a location is just a waypoint, players can imbue it with purpose beyond the GM’s plans.
Landmarks, like any dynamic scene, should evolve. They can remain iconic while changing over time. Monuments are never static; they reflect and absorb new symbols, critiques, and cultural shifts. They are meant to be engaged with.
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