So, The entirety of Verrance, is actually complete, what is left, is the dungeon of the town to be finished. The temple, which actually is another dungeon spoiler alert, and then after that there will be one more dungeon to do, that is a extension of the dungeon in Verrance, which will contain the final boss by the game. This project was always supposed to be short, however this project has almost become 100 maps big, 97 maps to be exact. That in mind of this project has become larger than I wanted, larger than I anticipated, but it is been a journey, and a successful one, I have learned a great deal. Now what is left, will be for me to release version 0.5, then version 0.6 will just be overlays, visual effects of that nature. After which, the very next update, 0.7 v , will be lighting effects, and then version is 0.8 will feature miscellaneous side quests and things to do. Version 0.9 will be more than likely just bug fixes, the final version, 1.0 will be miscellaneous polish, reduction of data usage, and just general polish. After which point I will be moving on to my next project. You can expect versions 0.5, in this coming week. So very soon, this project will probably be done In the beginning of August, at which point I will move on to my next project. The next project will obviously take much longer than this project did, as this project was a experimental learning process. The next project will be a full-on short game, with a level of detail and will feature things like custom assets, as well as more advanced techniques than this current project had. That is not to say that in the future I wouldn't come back to this project possibly, and do updates the idea of a 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or whatever, is very much in the real possibility. It just will not be a main priority, in the same way that my second project, a free, don't erotica game will be. And I fully intend to come back touch on old projects as I go, and as I progress and grow better. However the current project will take precedent over the old project, so things are going to be moving along very rapidly in the next 4 weeks, into what will be the essentially full on released version of Journey through Tellmain. At most, 5 weeks. Then at which point I will start prioritizing and working on the next project.
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