Hello everyone, the development of "Immortal Hunter" has had a very tumultuous road, which makes me think that the game needs more time in the oven, releasing the game the way it is would be a mess to fix the bugs and work on the last chapter of the "Killer Project" at the same time.
That's why "Immortal Hunter" will only be released after the last chapter of "Killer Project" on a date that will be announced later.
As for "Killer Project", our favorite assassin's journey ends on October 7th, availability will be shown in the table below.
Killer Project - Chapter 25 will be available on the following dates:
- Overlord Patreons - Available on October 7th
- Paladin Patreons - Available on October 13th
- Every day helper Patreons - Available on October 18th
- Free Public Version - Available on November 1st
"Killer Project", chapter 24, is available for everyone, on Windows and Android.
Thank you for your support.
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