Heyo! 😇
Time flies and I keep forgetting to do these, sorry! Don't worry, I'm always working on stuff! (I'm also an introvert, so being social is difficult.)
Right now I've been focusing on a parallax backgrounds pack. They will have 5 layers, 3 for landscaping and 2 for clouds.
I played "Path of Achra" recently and at first I really didn't dig the art style but it grew on me so I've been experimenting on my own version of that 8-bit NES style. In the beginning I just wanted one singular color but decided on 2 for more depth.
I've been wanting to do a Sci-fi Weapons pack and have started a bit, not entirely sure I like it, gonna have to think and probably redraw at some point.
So yeah, as you can see, I still have plenty of things I want to do. More free stuff is coming soon as well! Hope you look forward to it! ✌
Thank you for the support and have a great day! ♥
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