From the desk of the Majicrafter,
I did some very important things tonight and some fun ones!
The important things,
In combat you can now cancel an action.
You can select your allies to use stim_packs, buff items and buff abilities by clicking on their name in the health status window (just like enemy selection)
There is a now a "Party Manager" button. At current, it allows you to give items to your NPC's. Just three right now but I plan to have all the relevant items on there by release. You can only have a maximum of 4 party members, so when I add the 5th NPC you'll also have the option to decide who stays and who goes. Those not staying can still be found on your ship. You can also always swap them back into your party.
Fun things! Added the first of two of ymatas battle abilities and animations. The first is "Psi Blast" the second will be "Demoralize" which will prevent an enemy from attacking for a random number of turns(doesn't work on bosses, of course.) This is on the list for tomorrow.
Screenshots! Yaaay!
FIg A. Very rudimentary party management screen. In the future it will show quick stats for party members, and you will be able to add or remove party members.
Fig B. My favorite animation! IT LOOKS SO COOL! Ymata blasting baddies with PSI BLAST. This ability grows with Ymatas level.
That's it for now, stay tuned! Release is imminent! NO VAPORWARE HERE!
-Majicrafter out.
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