Fierce Crusher Updated to 7.7.24v0.1.0-a
Fixed: Health damage not being affected by the armor of the player (angererStat.armorProtection) | The Skeleton and Bot costume not having gun models
Added: A sound for when the gun you're holding hits something | A blur effect to when the player gets damaged | Bot fist hitting sounds | Version number in the bottom left of the start screen (Hopefully I remember to change this every time)
Changed: Changed Skeleton and Domloco costume stats | The Domloco gun models to match the skeleton look | The health now regenerates 2x slower, and the stun before regeneration also lasts 2x longer | The requirement for the ear ringing sound when taking damage is now 50, and not 75 | The loading screen background color to a dark blue
Side Note: This should work fine on Linux, if not please let me know
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