This week I’ve learned that Godot’s animation editor is the easiest thing I’ve ever seen. Everything is done on a simple graph editor, and you can keyframe any property or attribute to it, so it’s just a matter of putting in the effort to keyframe things and add animations to it. About ten minutes later and the player now has a PDA where they can receive notifications, check the date and time, and add notes.
Adding custom colors and textures to panels and other UI elements is a bit more involved, however. Right now it look decent, but some more tweaking will need to be done to get things setup the way I want them to.
Also threw in a few icons that I ripped from an install disc for Novell NetWare 5. Right now they’re just placeholders, but that 90s-icon aesthetic is something I’m interested in working with.
The highlights:
Blast your friends off the landscape! Ninja rope through the air with pixel-perfect precision! Complain that banana bombs are broken! Get laughed at by Russians! It’s Worms Armageddon, the most fun you will ever have on your PC, bar none. 25 years old and it still has a thriving online community and still receives updates and gameplay tweaks.
What a game.
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