Hey y’all!
Just posting an update on the continued projects I’m calling ‘World of Dice’, projects in the same vein as ‘Deity’ & ‘Fiends’. I’ve recently finished ‘Empire of Dice’ and am moving to playtesting! Woo!
‘Empire’ is a more streamlined version of the original format of ‘Deity of Dice’. Through some of the designing of the game, there was a bit where it was growing more and more complex, where I was designing (while fun) extremely complex systems to emulate the rise and fall of civilizations in this style of game. It felt very antithetical to the spirit of this series of games. A huge lesson I learned while running the games for Brooklyn’s Twenty-Sided Store, was that the strength of both ‘Deity’ & ‘Fiends’ was the way the games invited players to create the fantastic, and it’s approachability to those who had never approached fantasy in their lives. With that in mind, I dumped the complexities. I want people to play these games and realize that creativity is inherent by inviting them to play make believe under the guise of a game. Asking players to track the stability of their civilization while also having multiple turn types seemed to undermine the spirit somewhat.
Two of the remaining games in the ‘World of Dice’ series are taking on this more streamlined format. These games focus on creating a unique character through two different lenses. The first (which is already done because I apparently am compelled) is titled simply ‘Foe’ and will create an arch-rival for your character. The second, ‘By My Hand’, will create a unique sidearm, vehicle, or pet that is uniquely yours. together they’ll serve to flesh out your new player character or literary protagonist. These games are going to be designed to be played quickly while still acting as your creative flint & tinder.
I have a few more projects in the pipeline that are still in early design, including a final ‘World of Dice’ game, but that’s all awhile away. I’m hoping to have the next three games outlined here out by year’s end, so a lot of work to be done!
Thank you for everyone who has checked out these games, who has downloaded them, played TTRPG’s in the worlds you’ve made, or thrown me a few bucks for them. I’ve gotten so many cool stories from folks who’ve played, and I am so glad I’ve been able to make you gods.
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