Neon Sword is taking part in the June Steam Next Fest. The demo is live now and will continue during and after the event. I will be updating the demo when major bugs are found and fixed.
As a solo developer it's a huge achievement for me getting this far, thank you everyone who's supported me on this journey.
The demo is pre-early access and will have some AI bugs, among other things, but I'm working to iron them out asap. If you played the demo and liked it, add Neon Sword to your Wishlist on Steam. It means a lot to me. Thank you.
Just a heads up on a few know issues I intend to fix ASAP
Traffic AI continues to crash into an object even after its detected it, when in panic mode
Some Pedestrian paths lead them into walls when in a city wondering state
Police vehicles can have jaggy movement
Sometimes player vehicle will get stuck on police vehicles roof and vice versa
If you find any bugs and would like to help report them, post them in the steam forums or join my discord and have a chat with me
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