I've been spending the last few weeks refactoring the game to conform to better dev practices. In the prototype I was just throwing everything onto the player character actor as it allowed me to focus on rapid prototyping, but that's not good practice for scalability, project management, and game performance.
I've refactored the project to utilize class inheritance, and taken advantage of actor components to allow for more modular and reusable systems.
And now I'm almost at parity with what the prototype build has! It took a lot of work to build back up to where I was and from the end user perspective it appears nothing has changed, but this refactor was important as it will allow me to have a more solid foundation to build off and hopefully allow me to add content more efficiently and with fewer bugs. Having a more stable dev environment is going to be incredibly helpful and important moving forward.
Stay tuned and hopefully you'll see new content coming in regularly!
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