Today I found what career I want to do with my life. Even though I have been doing it for years. CS Programmer. I think it was due to coding during Covid-19 then I got burned out with it. (Cause I had no one to talk to) But in hindsight, it taught me a lot about what I want in life.
When I was 7 Khan Academy had a course, a Javascript course. It taught the fundamentals of coding. Like what a variable is and how to write an if statement. But then school got in the way and I didn't return to it. (On occasion I would create stuff on there but not often)
Then when I turned about 14 I got back into coding. I would spend my time creating video games from scratch. Often they were very bad but they were mine and I learned a ton from the practice of the work.
When COVID hit (15) I spent a lot of time on the computer, this is where I could see this being where the burnout came. I would be creating something new every week and not feeling like the game I made was good enough and I just stopped coding altogether. ( What social media do to you)
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