So I have been doing some android compilation scripts for LaGUI (which already have OpenGL ES backend). Then after some fiddling I’m able to compile OurPaint for Android too. However, then I found out that OpenGL ES specification only allows r32 r32i r32ui format to be read+write in the compute shader, so my shader using rgba32ui won’t work. And later I modified a ton of code everywhere to change the shader to using r32ui image on OpenGL ES, my phone doesn’t seem to write anything to the compute shader (while on my computer on linux + gles everything works just fine). This means I have no idea how to make my phone respond to any shader imageStore
call (weird).
I’ll leave android for now. I don’t think I’ll want to draw on my phone anyway. You will need a tablet that runs desktop OpenGL capable graphics with Windows/Linux installed to be use OurPaint.
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