I've released updates to fix a few bugs and add a couple of features in release 1.2
- Fixed player getting knocked out of maze
- Added a 1-time restart per run
- Let players change Music without pausing (hot keys like G and M work all the time)
- Added a tool tip if player doesn't move
Release 1.3 should be out soon for a few small fixes
- Music glitched out when I turned it off and left the screen
- Skulker glitched through a wall
- Hopefully get tool tip to always draw on top...it's weird.
- Maybe do something from the Future plan list?
Future plans and ideas
- Add controller support for keypad and face buttons
- Add a resize based on screen fitting (that alone might make mobile play semi-supported)
- I'd like to have some more sense of progress
Next iteration ideas
- Lighting effects and functional torches on walls
- Another enemy type
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