welp, i haven't posted about the game in three months, so here ya go!
the games cancelled
yeah, it's cancelled, so i'll answer a few questions you may have
You ain't gonna do shit.
nah, just kidding. i'll release the game in its current state so you can at the very least play around with the product i had made up to this point
nah lol, refer to number 3 to see why
alright, you guys wanna know why? i'll be honest for a second here. the game was cancelled...
yeah, really. i wasn't working on it for so long that i just decided "may as well call it wraps" and give you all the unfinished product to play around with (cause it's not a bad sandbox!)
the reason i wasn't working on it? again, For No Reason! i got lazy and sidetracked and just started working on other things. i love idiot killer but i love getting sidetracked more.
either way, it's not really "cancelled" more so "put on hold for whenever the hell i feel like working on it again", but that's probably never, so i may as well call it cancelled. anyways, thanks for reading. to sum it up; games cancelled for no reason, heres the buggy mess so you dont get left with nothing
bit ironic, too. this whole time, i've been searching for a name to call it, and wound up with "Idiot Killer" as a placeholder. yet, as the dust settles in the end, and i ship this broken game to the masses, i have finally decided that Idiot Killer was the perfect name for it all along. how poetic... but either way, it was never even ABOUT the idiots or ABOUT the killers... the whole time... it was the friends we made along the way...
welp, cya fuckers!
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