After the short game is finished. There will be some changed with a secret form an chapter 1 as there some problems with the sprite and background are blur.
But there will be an chapter 2 with both remake chapter 1 and new chapter 2.
HOWEVER even for what happen to me right now. I get sobber and crying that it won't stop crying. When I be feeling better in the future whenever if i'm comfortable making a games.
There also a plan to make comics to help ya'll to get to know each side of the characters like
Question things is like why did dane and linda break up? What will we get to see his friends in the comic? When are we seeing more like? Alice etc.
I wish i can post it on twitter but i'm not really ready nor comfortable making new account just yet. I'll be posting it on private.
Please do be respectful and patience to wait until whenever the year goes by when i get back.
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