This week has felt so much more refreshing compared to the other weeks because i finally got the feature that i planned to do all worked out and finally feels like i can just work on stuff that i already know which is my own code that am looking back on to make sure it works mainly with some bugs i have at which are the cards in hand glitching out with the randomized card pickups and the inventory not working on other scenes. That being said what i worked on was the inventory this week and some of the randomized cards.
The problems that the inventory had weren't much they were more that the prefab wasn't up to date so that the player wouldn't be able to use the inventory and because of this it wasn't displaying the inventory in other scenes so i updated the prefab with myself dragging the game objects that the inventory needs to works which were the description slot and the inventory items descriptor slot. The next bug fixes is what am currently working which is the randomized cards not working because of them being called at the beginning of the level and i set them to the discard pile and they set to null but what am doing is am changing the randomized to work like the item picks and only go to discard pile if they are collected by the player and use that to test if its just the pickup or the scene.
author: Anthony Perez
Posted on 5/2/2024
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