Welcome to this week's news post! Today, I'm excited to offer some insight into a few of the game's core systems. Over the next couple of weeks, I'll go deeper into depth about them, showing off the various things they do.
Creature Generation
Each creature in Chimeros: Aurum Apostolum is made with three criteria: Element, Type, and Attribute. This system is commonly shortened to ETAs.
Element Strength and Weakness
Each element does have a strength and weakness, but instead of it being a table, it functions like a chain. Each element has one strength and one weakness. Attacking a target weak to your element deals 2x damage, while attacking a target strong against your element deals 1/2 damage. Every other situation is normal damage.
The Strength chain looks like this:
Wind > Electric > Water > Metal > Plant > Mineral > Fire > Wind
The Weakness chart looks like this:
Wind < Fire < Mineral < Plant < Metal < Water < Electric < Wind
Type: Is that a Reptile, or an Amphibian?
Type: Type is a bit of a misnomer. Type refers to the Species of the creature. Broken down into 9 as well. Various species exist all over Chimeros Isle, many of them fantastical in nature, or mundane creatures given new shapes. Things like mammalian beasts, canines, reptiles, amphibians. All sorts of things, cut from a wide swath in the animal kingdom.
Attribute: Why did that one shot me?!
The last of the criteria is a semi-hidden one. Only represented by an upwards pointed triangle, a downwards pointed triangle, a diamond, or a square, The Attribute system determines the XP profile, and a flat damage bonus to creatures with the appropriate attribute. This system allows harder fights to be eked out, as every damage point counts.
The Attribute triangle goes as follows: Chaos> Natural> Order> Chaos
You will note that Null is missing, as it sits in the middle of this triangle, unaffected by any of the three, thus taking and receiving no extra damage.
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