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A new game, and a new universe!!

An announcement, from MY rat? Impossible!

Well, you may be thinking that, but you're WRONG! that's right, a new project is afoot, and might just even be finished if enough love is given to it!

May I introduce you, to Izzybeth.

An angry teen with a loving mother, and the main character of a new story, currently just labeled "Space Test"! Will this change? Of course, nothing is stagnant! But what won't change is the main idea, and that will be shared in a devlog! 

Fun times. 

Oh, almost forgot, a few of you, and I'm talking a very small few, may recognize some of the characters ;)

Happy drifting.

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I'm gay

I know.

I'm lzzybeth real

did you make an page just to comment this???

I made an account