Hello Everyone,
This is just a heads up that it does not look like we will obtain funding for Oni Onsen based on the state of the Kickstarter, and we will, unfortunately, be canceling the game. This is not an easy decision, and I would not make it if I had any other choice.
This campaign started off on the wrong foot from the beginning, with our other vendor declining to put up our store page until they received the entire game to review.
We get hundreds of Wishlists during our campaigns, and this decision caused us to miss out on both that and the added promotion we would have gotten for the Kickstarter by being live on their store. It was a huge set-back.
Before now, I was asking for less than what is needed to make our games. I placed hitting the Kickstarter goal above getting what we actually needed, and I also hoped that we would manage to get enough extra funding beyond the goal.
Unfortunately, we never get enough extra funding beyond the goal to pay for the full development costs. So, for Oni Onsen I took a risk. I asked for what we actually needed.
I asked for we needed to pay the full-time artist a living wage for over a year, what we needed to pay for the programming costs, the backgrounds, the asset costs, the music building sets, and the sounds.
I don’t include the cost of writing in the budget when I’m writing because I pay myself last. I can take a cut. I would never ask that of my workers.
I thought with 1,000 followers gained prior to launch that we would hit this goal. We’ve also hit a higher goal for a similar game in the past. For Oni Onsen we had an even better offer than that previous game with a harem route added.
Orc Covenant needs around $72,000 (not accounting for Kickstarter/Payment processor fees) to cover the development costs. We have used up that lower amount that was made on that Kickstarter, and I am finishing the development with our operating income.
I can’t manage to fund two games of this scope at the same time out-of-pocket.
I also learned from our failure with Hardcore Cruising that if a game doesn’t drum up enough support for the Kickstarter to be successful, it’s not going to be successful at all.
I made a promise to myself that I would never again do a second Kickstarter for a game if the first one failed. To me, it’s a strong sign that the game simply does not have enough interest and will not do well. It's also just kicking the can down the road. I'd still run into the same financial troubles in the end if we didn't make the full amount we're asking.
If you are able to back the Kickstarter, I ask that you please do so. You will not have an opportunity to buy this game anywhere later if we do not get funded. We just can not make this game without the money we need. I still have hope that a miracle could happen, but this would mean a lot of people showing up in the end. Maybe? You could help: http://kck.st/49BtHPp
If you're unable to back us, you can still help by spreading the word. Just retweet this tweet.
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