Hello! I'm Flawed, trying my best to be Flawless.
Today I added relics to my game Space Card Shooter 2, which I have decided to name "Star Dealer." I was thinking debating between the names Star Dealer, and Galactic Gambler, however, I decided to go with Star Dealer for now.
I spent the entire day thinking of what abilities would be useful to the player, and making sure they are not all too powerful. Here is a screenshot of all the relics as of now:
I'm not sure if I will add more in the future, so I can't promise that there will be more. I have each effect written down, and plan to add them all tomorrow.
-Flawed Games, Daily Logs 8:00 pm est. (within 15 minutes) Follow for updates.
Day's Rating : 2/5
Comments: I spent a couple hours thinking of relics, and an hour or two fixing minor bugs. I could have done more programming, and implemented the relics into the game if I had used my time wisely. I know I can do better.
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