Hello! This is the first of (hopefully) many daily dev logs I will be writing. Since it is the first, it may be longer than most future logs.
The very first thing I did when I got home was update Demon Rush GD with some balance changes to make the normal mode easier for newer players, because I felt really bad thinking about how some people might get upset with the game's balance (it's not a rage game). Afterwards I began work on one of my next projects, a remake of "Mirror Watcher."
I got started on the remake of my game "Mirror Watcher" and have made so many changes, that it can no longer be classified as a "remake." The original mirror watcher was a game I made for a game jam, and I only spent a couple hours on it. I am hoping to create a story, and possibly three acts in my new "mirror watcher" game.
After learning Godot, I wanted to try and learn how to use Unreal Engine. Only a couple months ago, I had been using Unity for a few years, however, I am still a young developer, and because of their policy changes I decided to try and learn new engines for the worst case scenario. Unreal looks like it has great tools for making 3D games, and I believe I will still be using Godot to make 2D games. The only problem I have encountered with Unreal is the amount of time it takes to download. With my Wi-Fi, I estimated that it is going to take ~480 minutes for it to completely finish. I browsed through the Unreal asset store because I heard from some mysterious popular game developer/Youtube animator/editor that they often give out free assets, and found the five free assets for the month. My developer brain immediately saw that two of the asset packs went together really well (Fantasy Interior Environment and Stylized Modular Crystal Mine). I thought of a simple Fantasy mining simulator, however, brushed the idea because of its lack of originality.
Thank you for reading! Follow for daily updates around 8:00 pm est. I am really excited with where this dev log is going to go!
Overall, not a very productive day. Could have done more, but used Unreal Engine downloading as an excuse
Rating : 1/5
-Flawed Games
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