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What's next?

Hello, everyone!

It's been a while since I uploaded Dottore Love and I guess I need to inform you what I'm planning to do in the future.

Spring: Dottore Love Ru translation, so that more people could enjoy kidnapping simulator <3

Summer: “unnamed project” — a prequel to my next big game that will come out in winter. Russian summer simulator, featuring characters from the future game. It won't be as global as my winter project, but it will provide more backstory to those characters.

Autumn: No games planned, maybe I'll think of something short.

Winter: and finally, 27th of December - “The New Year, all alone”. My most global project yet. It's already in progress (Like 30% ready), but it will definitely come out in winter, when it's going to be relevant. Male/female option (Sorry for NB folks, but the game is set in Russia, so it would be hard to implement), multiple endings and The New Year Eve atmosphere. Idk if the translation will be needed, but it's not going to be hard for me to translate the game. 

What's all for now. I'm looking forward to making these games for you in the near future, but now I'm very busy with school and stuff :(

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