Ok So I have a few video game ideas for my next ones.
1. Revenge of the cookies
2. Zelda 2 Remake
Revenge of the cookies is a hand drawn game where you play as a crazy guy shredding evil cookie up
Zelda 2 remake will be Zelda 2, but with my own story to it, and making the graphics look more appealing (kind of like amidas curse for zelda 2)
(The Legend of Zelda, Amidas curse rom hack)
Zelda 2 has always been my fav of the nes Zelda games. Although I wasn't born in the 80s, it's still fun for me (except death mountain, no one likes death mountain)
But since I won't be making a zelda 2 rom hack it'll be hard for me to recreate it into godot, so don't expect it to be an exact copy of zelda 2...
Revenge of the cookies is inspired by awesome games like Castle crashers, Alien Hominid, and Dad n me!
I plan to send out a demo for my next game at the end of the month, so expect a demo from me around march 1-5!
See you soon!
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