From the desk of the Majicrafter,
I got started early tonight, with a major focus on the Villa and completing the story events. related to that area. There are a lot of character interactions and triggers, and a lot of character renders, laughing, smiling, worred etc and I spent a lot more time rendering a few characters tonight than is normally required for briefer interactions. I also started some renders for characters that you will meet at the Zoo such as Beatrice Monk....and Gor...who you will NOT be so eager to meet!
fig. A Beatrice Monk, Feral Hunter
fig. B, Gor the psychotic Cyborg.
I am not posting the road map tonight because it has a large draft of story elements which I am checking off one by one. There was not a lot of technical coding tonight, mostly just story coding and event triggers. The villa is about half done though. After the Villa there are two other, three other less major interactions, which have already been started.
I am hoping, really truly, this is the week the beta is going out. I could drop it anytime, but there is so much that feels empty and I at least want you to know the story. I am coding as fast as I can, I work on it every single day. There WILL be a beta drop and I am hoping it is this week.
-Majicrafter out.
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