The release of the game for the Pratonos is just around the corner! At the moment, I've released a test version for gold-level Pratonos. It's available here:
Let's talk about the progress of the project. The next version of the game will be V0.30, and I'll make a list of changes and additions to the project:
1- Error when collecting water fixed!
2- Bonus water and free food error fixed!
3- Animation alignment error fixed (happens in Dayani's event)!
4- Error when multiplying food in the inventory fixed!(the error occurs when the player has 99 items in the inventory)
5- Now, when the player teleports to the camp, the day will remain the same! There will be no advance in time!
6- I've added a map or mini-map to the game! Now players will be able to know where events are taking place!
7- I've added an automatic save function. Now, every time the player goes to sleep, the game will be saved automatically!
8- I've added 3 songs to the game, a theme song, a song when you activate any event and a song for the night!
The songs are a remix that I created myself, but I'm not the author of the original music!
The site I took the songs from is here:
The original music for the main theme is here:
music: Fuzzy Lofi Synth Song
The original music for the events is here:
music: electric guitar melody #11
9- Minor changes to the movement system!
* Players can run with the left mouse button (optional).
*The player's jump is weaker!
10- Addition of a new magical fruit: peppers! 3 varieties with magical effects!
By eating the peppers, players will receive a running speed bonus! They are located in the creek!
11- 2 new regions added!
12 - New character added to the game! The character Lisany is a forest elf!
13 - New main story event!
To unlock, the player must be level 5 and have completed all previous events in the main story!
Bonus: unlocks two new areas and Lisany's store in the camp (currently without function)!
* A new variation for the character Tuti ( increase Tuti's level to 2 to unlock)
* A new variation for the character Beti (increase Beti 's level to 2 to unlock)
* A new variation for the character Tina(increase Tina's level to 2 to unlock)
* A new variation for the character Raquel(increase Raquel's level to 3 to unlock)
* New event added "Yoga with the girls"!
2 new variations for character Dayani!
2 new variations for character Limda!
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