Hi everyone! I thought I'd show you guys the different versions I have made of Legolas. As you know, this story will travel through different ages and alternate universes. The main character will deal with many versions. Here are the ones I have so far...
Here is regular Legolas. This is how you will see him through the 4th Age and back in the 3rd Age as well.
Here is 3rd Age Legolas tending to the main character. This version of him is unfamiliar with the main character. He is suspicious of her fabricated lies.
Here is 4th Age Legolas, an alternate universe where the main character tries to come back to her time but gets a timeline where Saruman has the one ring and has been ruling middle-earth for 120 years. The elves that are left are forced to follow his evil rule. This Legolas has been through a lot of trauma and is deeply changed.
Here is 9th Age Legolas... Why not add a little sci-fi to this game? If the main character travels through time, why not to the far future? I'm still trying to figure out how to piece things together... Here, in the 9th Age, is a post-apocalyptic situation where humans have wiped themselves out but a supercomputer AI was able to bring a semblance of a civilization in a domed city called "Minas Galad" the City of Light. The people there wear exosuits that makes them more physically powerful and an advanced AI is incorporated within the suit. The city is powered by a found Silmaril and the battle of battles is on the horizon, threatening their existence.
That's it for now!
Oh! I have a Thranduil now! YAY!!!
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