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[NSFW] Poll about clothes being destroyed

Hello there! Happy new year!

I'm making a quick post about some stuff I worked on lately, the death animation(s)! While obviously I like to make the characters' clothes being destroyed when they are defeated, in Rings Of Titeia they were just reduced to small particles flying around randomly and disappearing at some point. Now, they still are transformed into pieces, but those pieces will now drop on the ground to remain visible for a little while. ( See GIF below )

Now, I wondered if it would look better if the characters, once defeated, were left with small pieces of clothes still on or just fully naked as it was already the case in RoT. That's why I created a poll for you to tell me your preference, and you can access it right here :

Thanks for taking the time to participate, it's important to me to know what you think could look better. It also saves me some time, as the sprites are not completed yet. If the public prefers the fully naked option, I won't bother drawing those clothes for nothing!

Also, feel free to like and RT the poll, it helps a lot with visibility!

Have a great sexy start into 2024!

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Happy new year !