When learning a new game development tool, we usually looking at the official site for the learning resource. Godo actually has a great onboarding documentation, including how to create a simple 2D and 3D game here.
We also bought several Udemy course about Godot 4 development that we interested in (Learn How to Make A Juicy Game in Godot 4 and Create a Complete 2D Arena Survival Roguelike Game in Godot 4). Following tutorial is great and insightful as we learn many important concept and best practice, but we need to create our own games to truly hammer down the Godot development concept in our head.
As we have full time job when starting learning Godot, making a full game without significant time investment will take a long time. With that in mind, we decide to create several prototype/mini games then showing it to other people/community for feedbacks. It works quite well for us as we learn to solve more practical and real world scenario from development, and starting to try to increase our social media presence.
The response from other people is actually quite good, especially on r/godot on reddit. Our protoype #3 has these impression stat (which quite great by our standard):
After doing this for two months, we decide it's time to try to develop a full games based on our most popular prototype in reddit:
It take us one month to finally finish develop a full game from this prototype, titled Don't Hat the Cat. Developing a prototype and developing a full game is really a different beast altogether, and we learned a ton about development in Godot from this experience.
Hopefully you can play it soon here, and we can continue to develop more exciting games in the future!
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