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David Lopez - Devlog 4: Preparing for next semester

During this semester, we have slowly made some progress in making a prototype. We as a team looked at various kinds of implementation. To come up with all these ideas, we used many display tools, such as Miro, and PowerPoint.

In terms of my role as a level and narrative designer, it was easy to come up with the layouts and a little story to explain why X thing happens in the game. However, after I had finished that, I didn’t do too much to contribute to the project anymore as my teammates were already contributing by making the art assets which I’m not too skilled at and it will play a major part in finishing our project.

After I had finished the tasks related to my role, I continued to fill in the documents and planning. These include the Team Charter, Game Design Document, and Risk Analysis Report. And currently, we are finishing up with the Project Plan and Proof of Concept.

Before going into the 2nd semester, I plan on familiarizing myself more with the Unity Engine we’re using and Art software such as Aseprite for our 2D assets, so I can continue to help my team by doing something instead of nothing. When the 2nd semester begins, I will continue to help my team by filling in any future documents and coming up with ideas for our team to start working on and I can always come up with more levels and expand on our current narrative if we decide to do so.

Other than that, I feel that this course has helped us make a lot of progress and made us prepare for the upcoming production phase.

Thanks for reading my final dev-log of the semester. :)

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Hey David!

I really like how you acknowledge there is more you can do to help your team and have decided to familiarize yourself of the engine and software used to do so! That's a great way to prepare for the next semester where a lot of it will be developing the game. The narrative will come eventually so now it's best to aid your team in any way possible, that's some great team spirit! I'm excited to see what your group conjures for next sem!

Using the time we have over the break to familiarize yourself with the engine you'll be plunging into is a great idea! I hope you have enough time to do that among actually getting to take a break from this busy semester, and working on whatever else you want to do. Good luck!