I know that many people got an email or something when it happened, or should have, but I have to mention it again, as I’m contractually obligated to do; or else the library cats will disown me, or … something worse? Yeah, but, yesterday, I released, on the anniversary of the library’s birthday in 1996, this year’s anthology Magick, Music and Ritual 18!
You can now get it as a digital download on Bandcamp or Itch. If you’re a Subscriber on Bandcamp, you already have MMR18 and TINAHLAA-5 added to your collection, and if you aren’t then this is your last chance to get all five TINAHLAA releases and MMR18 for just $12 before I close the option to Subscribe on Bandcamp forever. If you’re a Patron on Patreon, at any support tier, you have a special link to grab the gratis download of MMR18 at any time until the next release, and another link to download TINAHLAA-5 until the end of the calendar year (after which it becomes a Digital perk with the others).
PANICMACHINE released Hidden Universe by P Emerson Williams
Worms of Earth’s label Arcane Dirge released Etterath by Subverge, and they’re running a 50% off sale on their compilation from earlier this year Arcanum Vol. I
Wolven Angel released Silent Ashes
Johann Heyss released Akhnaten (Remix)
Phil Legard’s Hawthonn released Coil Covers Coven by Hawthonn and Borehole
Check out dreams. by snow
And, gander at Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye by HIBUSHIBIRE
Also, icymi, “The KLF launch new ‘KLF Kare’ website and share remix. ‘KLF KARE may have the care home for you'” Listen to the track. (Or, hint hint, if you inspect the player code on the page, you can easily find the direct link to the mp3.)
And, that’s it for now! Until next time!
But, of course, be sure to check out the entire anthology project at Hermetic Library, Itch, and in all the digital streaming and online shops.
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