We provide 5 types of node in the level customization
Players could set the node name.
Node type will be shown here
The node description will be displayed as text at the top of the screen when the node is clicked.
(1)、Click + to add events and - to remove events.
(2)、Object: select the object on which the event acts, when Global is selected, it acts globally.
(3)、Executable: whether the method is executed.
(4)、Method: Select the method type and fill in the corresponding content in the space according to the method type, check the subsequent section for details of the content type.
(5)After selecting a method, if you change the node object you are acting on, you must select the method again, otherwise the parameters will not be updated.
(1)GameOver:At the end of the game, a certain ending is reached and the space behind it is filled with the number of the ending.
(2)ChangeSanity:Change the player's sanity value, followed by a space to fill in the amount of change, which can be filled in as a negative number.
(3)ChangeHP:Changes the player's health value, followed by a space to fill in the amount of change, which can be filled in as a negative number.
(1)Extend:extends the specified node
The trailing space can be left empty, all the nodes will expand by default.
You can also fill in the number of the child node that you want to expand in the space afterward, which supports multiple parameters separated by spaces, e.g., "0 1 2".
(2)DestorySelf:Destroys itself and the back space is not filled with anything.
(3)ChangeName:Change the node name, followed by a space to fill in the changed node name.
(4)ChangeDes:Change the node description, followed by a space to fill in the changed node content.
(6)DisableEvent:The method of closing the target object, followed by the space to fill in the target object to close the method sequence number. Multiple parameters are supported. Separate the parameters with Spaces, for example, 0 1 2.
(1)Upload Sound Effect:Upload audio from your computer, please ensure to give your audio file a proper name before uploading.
(2)Audio List:The uploaded audio will be listed/displayed here.
(3) PlaySound:Single playback the sound effect filled in the space at the back.
(4) PlayMusic:Loop the sound effect filled in the space at the back.
(1)changepanel:Click on the node to change the current panel. Different Panel can have different background color.
(1)、Clue background:Select a clue background, such as paper, white paper, crepe paper
(2)、Clue title:Set clue title
(3)、Clue content:Add clue content
(1)、Node Interaction: the player can drag collectible nodes to the target interaction node to trigger a set method.
(1)、Password: Set a three-digit password.
(2)、Unlock Event: triggers a set event when the player enters the correct password.
(1)、Equipment Event: Set up the event.
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