So for today I focused on making Ivan's journal, the one he gives Gretchen to help her around the clinic.
I started by researching common illnesses at the time which included the grippe (influenza), variola (smallpox), and red eye (conjunctivitis) and how doctors at the time treated them, along with common ways of the time to treat injuries and fractures, then I collected it all into one Word file and rewrote it in the format I wanted and with slight characterisation.
The only drawing I really had to do was that of the closed cover of the journal, and I already had that done with all the other drawn assets of Day 1
I spent like half an hour looking for the perfect page turning sound effects that didn't stall too much, weren't too powdery, and sounded like the paper was neither too thin or too thick and GOOD LORD I realised how petty I was about that kinda shit
What's left:
Now all I have to do is copy paste that baby in sections into the game and we're good to go more or less
-The Unhinged Chameleon
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