I decided to take part in this game jam. I already had an idea of making a game set in winter for the Little Adventurers series and this jam is themed "Ice Queen", so it gives me the right occasion to work on it.
So far I have come up with a rough plot and I am starting to gather assets, particularly graphic and music. The jam ends on January 12th, there is not much time, but the end of the year is usually a slower period at work, and I may be able to use some of the holidays for the project.
For the moment the title screen is going to be something like this:
I found a couple of good tilesets to remake Little Town and the house interiors. I still want to stick to the RTP as much as possible, but for winter there are not that many tiles and the default graphics are a bit less flexible than for the "standard" season.
Similarly, I don't want to rely on more plugins that I strictly need, so the interface is going to remain the default one.
Royalty free Christmas and Winter music I am finding aplenty.
Well, let's see if we can manage to make this happen.
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