Hi Everyone!
Another month passed, another devlog to write!
You can find the longer version of this post on by blog.
Some results of ranked Jams:
> Tower of Sleep [NEW]
For the Two-Button Jam, I decided to try out binksi and made a little prototype: Tower of Sleep. It is a short visual bite where you can only use the up and down arrows to go through the game. The game page includes downloadable content, including the source code and the tile set. Feel free to download/use as wanted.
binksi was a neat little tool, built on bitsy/bipsi. I got to learn a bit more Ink with it, and try out pixel art too!
> Templates and Guides [NEW & Move]
I've recently added a new coding template to the 100% Good SugarCube Templates: a Character Creator, with a not-quite-exhaustive-but-close list of traits you may want to include in your Twine IF project. This was requested by my followers through a poll on Tumblr. You can find the announcement here.
To make the Tweego Guide accessible without download, I moved that whole folder into a new page [HERE].
> An Ode to Pissaladière [NEW]
I made a Zine. I am planning on making more of those, because it was fun. The next one may or may not be about Pizza...
> SeedComp! [NEW]
For this new edition of the SeedComp! I've submitted a handful of new game premises/mechanics (4).
These are also available for free outside of the comp, and can be found here.
> Meeting the Parents and DOL-OS [fixes]
Mainly some bug hunting and accessibility fixes.
DOL-OS now includes a Easter Egg popup when you reach the end of the game.
> The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt [ongoing]
The edits of Chapter 5 are almost complete, and the coding should start shortly. Chapter 6 did get a few thousand words added.
> The Roads Not Taken [ongoing]
The issues with the original code have been assessed, and the fixes have started. However, the fixes required to bring the game into a better shape will need more time than expected (there really were a lot of issues).
> The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt (Ch5-6)
Continuing the progress done on what is left. We hope to make substantial progress during the Winter break.
> The Roads Not Taken (fixes)
Hopefully this will be completed before the year's end.
> and... some potential Jam distraction...
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