Hey there, intrepid gamer - welcome to our very first Itch announcement.
Well, after a few weeks of Pre-Production where we threw our sweet little brains against the wall, production officially commenced on Jawbreaker as of September 27, 2023!
Frequently Thought Questions
"What IS Jawbreaker?"
Well, we can't give you too many details - partly for sworn secrecy, but as the Design Gods (tm) may have other plans for us as we roll.
But what we can tell you is this:
"What platform will I play Jawbreaker on?"
That's all we'll share for now - after all, we've only just met. It's a bit forward, you know?
We're currently mad at work on getting this thing running - our Gold build will be released on Itch around mid-December. Hectic! Just in time for the holidays.
Don't worry though, we'll be adding tidbits here and there on our process and the talents of our team members, but please reach out if you'd like to be a playtester before release!
Reach out to our Producer: notmyjobstudio@gmail.com
xoxo Singularity
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