After completing my research on wealth inequality went to work building a narrative/puzzle focused game to educate players on this topic. Inspired by the real life story of Kala Dera India (a town that had its resources drained by a large company), I created the concept for a puzzle game where players must attempt to farm while dealing with increasingly limited resources.
My main idea was that by putting players into the shoes of someone suffering from the overharvesting of resources, that they might be able to get a better understand of how companies take advantage of people, while learning about ways that they can possibly fight back. In the real story of Kala Dera, the people of the area were able to successfully remove the corporation. Mimicking this, I wanted players to learn about wealth inequality without losing hope. It is possible for us to make positive changes, and I wanted players to be rewarded for trying.
To pitch this game I created a short presentation going over the main concept as well as general gameplay mechanics. I believe my pitch went relatively well, although I wish I had better visuals to help explain my concept. Visuals are extremely important during pitches as they allow people to get a better understanding of what exactly you are saying, as well as providing something eye catching to grab their attention. While I was confident on my game idea, I believe the lack of visuals prevented me from properly sharing it.
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