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Todd Brooks-Marling || Dev Log Two || Pitching a Game

     In this devlog I'll be going over the game my group decided to work with going forward, and how we started its planning and development.

     After a brief discussion with our team, and evaluating each others game concepts, the one we thought had the most promise for the scope of this assignment was "Auto Shipping Solutions". The initial game concept is you play as manager overseeing a robot worker that was recently implemented for testing. The player is meant to tend to the robot and do maintenance when it needs fueling, breaks down, or is confused.

     My group started by questioning our intent behind the game. Given the subject we are currently contemplating the game being an allegory for workers rights, or the dangers/ethics of implementing A.I into our society.

     The game offers many directions for us to work towards, especially in the mini-game/resonant game category. We also chose this game because it can work well with our groups skill sets as we have a lot of 2d artists, and not many people willing to program. Overall I believe we have a good concept, and solid team that will be able to make a great game through this assignment.

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Really cool concept for your team's game. Yea, with a lot of 2D artists definitely leverage that and go all in on making it look great with that simple gameplay loop. Looking forward to seeing it!

cool game concept, interested to see the artwork for this group. The idea of managing a robot worker is something that might be standard in the future, kinda scary in my opinion as it narrows how many people can potentially be employed as the cheaper alternative of robots will force them out of the work force. 

It's cool to see the thought and deliberation that your group put into selecting the "Auto Shipping Solutions" game concept. The idea of overseeing a robot worker and exploring themes like worker rights and AI implementation in society is both relevant and thought-provoking. It's also smart to leverage your team's skills and resources effectively, ensuring that everyone's strengths are put to good use.

Hello, a robot-oriented game sounds interesting. I'm wondering what the gameplay is going to be like, considering doing the maintenance aspects and how that ties into the overall theme/message your team is trying to perceive. I think workers' rights are really intriguing and crucial to emphasize as well, as it rarely is talked about compared to AI.