Hi there fellow carbon based beings!
I have returned with an update regarding the Wyrd And The Wild, including new name changes and the general setting. A lot has changed since the project was announced, and I'd like to share it with you. First of all, given the new tone and setting, I've renamed the project to "Forest Of Blood And Bone". Of course, the name is still subject to change, but I'm pretty happy with it for now. The setting took quite a bit of work. While the player characters being witches was removed, all the potion brewing and spellcrafting mechanics are still in place. Currently, the setting takes place on "The Continent", which is quite literally, the last major continent remaining on earth and most of it has been subsumed into something known as "The Mirage", where people exist without knowledge of the horrors that lurk beyond their doorstep, even as their loved ones a claimed, or "harvested" in the name of the forgotten gods. Anyway, take up arms in the name of the forgotten gods, slay their foes, and maybe, just maybe find a rid the world of the forgotten gods once and for all. I'll see you next time. Byeeeee.
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