unfortunately, yes. if you didn't know, KNDA is made in unity.
of course games take a while to make if you are a solo dev, even if you have content contributors. with that being said, the irony of unity catching on fire with thier latest price-per-runtime right as this game's 2 year development cycle is wrapping up could feed a thousand vampires.
and since the 12th things have not improved.
due to the integration of unity's physics engine with the battle system, this means I can't just port the game either. too many things would break. so I am going to be releasing it when it's done, as usual. not happy about it though.
i've been using unity since I learned c# from it in 2017, and i'm going to need to learn a new engine if I make any future games.
the game will not be rushed to try and outrun the january 1st deadline. if it gets done before then, great. if it needs more time, it's getting more time. I made that mistake once in my life and it's not going to happen again.
and a final word for mister johnny:
if devs are "F**king idiots" for being against needless monetization,
then you are a virgin neanderthal that needs to find better ways to make money rather than bashing devs on the head and collecting the coins they drop. that's for video games. not IRL economics.
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