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Under The Pacific and The Unity Announcement

 As you may have heard, since Unity, the game engine Under The Pacific is built on, made the descision to charge per install, I am working on coming up with a soloution to avoid having to pay money I don't have. This means I may have to move to another game engine that I have little to no experiance with. Under The Pacific, as any games in Unity will be, is written in C#. My degree in programming focused in many languages, especially C#, but if I have to move to another engine such as Unreal, I may have to learn C++. A language I was never tuaght or used, further complicating and slowing the development. Nothing official yet, but I will keep everyone updated.

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Would Godot be suitable? Godot officially supports C#.


Godot is definetly a strong contender. I would have to look into it a bit more to confirm it has all the features that I require first, but the fact that it supports C# is a strong argumument in for its case. Thank you for for the suggestion!