Hi Everyone! The team at Digital Cannoli has been working hard on updating The Chad game, we have a lot of new features, levels, enemies and fun coming your way! Below is a list of some of the changes.
6 New Levels
New AI Enemies: Bimbo Furry Anime Girl
Gameplay objective is no longer to find lifters but to reach the end of the level
Lifters provide helpful hints to the player at key locations
Enemy Shrine Spawners
Chad Shrine that heals player when nearby
Added 3D Compass UI
UI and Menus Overhaul
Ability Descriptions pop up when unlocked, can view in pause menu
Graphics and Audio Settings
Flex ability became Jojo stand ability
New Art New Loading Screen
New Music
New Animations
New SFX, VFX, and Post Process
New Giga Chad Model added to Big Mode
Wooden fences break when player stands on top
Tents can no longer be jumped over
Barrels are no longer hazards, however player still takes damage in explosion radius
Enemy statues (not shrine spawners) are new hazards that deal damage to player when they are nearby
Barrels can be launched using the punch attack, slam attack, and slam attack and blow up after a time or when hit specific objects such as enemies, statues, and shrines dealing damage
Explosive barrels, Toxic barrels, and Radiation barrels now catches on fire before exploding when hit with certain ability interactions
Feedback Link
Optimization from art to code
Tons of Bug Fixes
If you like, or don't like the game we want to hear it! please leave a comment or feedback in the menu link while in-game.
link to the game - https://digitalcannoli.itch.io/thechad
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