So I said I'd talk about the Noora Rose-authored Entities: A Roseville Beach Zine that I published a couple of weeks ago. So today I'm going to do it!
The zine has five entities across about 23 pages of monstery content. That's a lot of pages per "monster," especially since Roseville Beach doesn't have monster stats, so you might be wondering what's in there.
Roseville Beach is a game of monster hunting and occult investigations, so the first thing for each monster entity isn't stats or a description or anything you might find in a WotC monster book: it's logs, diaries, and interview transcripts from prior encounters with the entity.
Before you know anything about the entities that some people label "Star Vampires," you know that they operate in pairs. You know that, because it was a pair of them that wandered off with 19 year old Karl Walker in 1977. Karl disappeared from Roseville Beach, but across the harbor in Mainelin County, the same thing happened to Sherri Brit in 1971 and Lynn Delaney in 1973.
Likewise, the only thing you know about shape-shifting slugs that were brought up from the Atlantic depths? It comes from the journal of a scientist.
(Yes, SCP Foundation fans, we see you.)
It's much the same with the logs of a missing Rose Island Park Ranger who was told the noises and dead animals in the woods were probably a bear (even though there's not any bears on Rose Island).
These docs lack any GM-only info, so they're ready to print and hand out to players or just use as inspiration. There's also a page of GM advice for each entity (there are spoilers, though, so I am not gonna reproduce those), and then a generator to determine where in Roseville Beach an entity appears, who they scare or hurt, who saw it happen, and who in town might know more.
Pick it up on Itch, get it as part of a bundle, or grab it on DriveThruRPG.
Crossposted from R. Rook Studio Blog and Tumblr.
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